bar miyako and mohn poppy gin from estonia

先月ご紹介したクラフターズジンに次ぐエストニアのジンの第2弾です。バルト海に浮かぶムフ島のケシとジュニパーが香るMohn Poppy Ginは辛口でちょっぴりスパイシー。トニックとの相性も抜群ですので、気になる方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!

今週の #barmiyako は平日の19時〜25時まで営業しております。7月29日(土)は姉妹店の #barmiyakoliving の営業日ですが、オープン時間が通常よりも1時間遅い20時となります。ご不便をおかけしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いします!

Following on our addition of the lovely Crafter’s Gin, we now have another Estonian gin! Mohn Poppy Gin from Muhu Island features wild poppies handpicked on the island as well as native green and blue juniper, and is crisp, dry and slightly spicy and herbal – perfect for a gin and tonic!

This week, bar miyako is open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays. We will be closed on Saturday, July 28, but bar miyako living will be open that day from 8pm (one hour later than usual). We hope to see you all back at the bars soon!

bar miyako and estonian crafter’s gin



今週の #barmiyako は平日の19時〜25時まで営業しております。皆様のお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております!

We now have a gin from Estonia, a country by the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe, known for its lush nature and more recently, for being a leading tech hub in Europe.

Crafter’s, made in the Estonian capital of Tallinn, is a lovely London Dry Gin infused with local herbs including Veronica and Fennel, which gives it both a floral and spicy flavor which is perfect with tonic or soda. Please stop by if your interest is piqued!

This week, bar miyako is open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, so hope to see you all back at the bar!