bar miyako and whistle pig rye

#barmiyako のライウィスキーファンには根強い人気の米バーモント州、ホイッスルピッグ社の「ファームストック・ライ」シリーズ001を久しぶりに再入荷しました!



Good news for rye whiskey lovers! I’ve restocked the delectable Whistle Pig Farmstock Rye Crop 001! If you’re in the mood for a smooth rye with an aroma of white chocolate, vanilla beans and fresh pears, combined with rye spiciness with cinnamon notes, please stop by! I also have the edgier Crop 002 and 003, so why not try them all?

This week, #barmiyako is open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays. Please just note the bar will be closed from Saturday, November 21 to Monday, November 23 (national holiday) for the long weekend, so I hope to see you all back at the bar during the week!

bar miyako and whistle pig farmstock 003

#barmiyako のライウィスキー好きにひっそりと人気のホイッスルピッグの「ファームストック」ライの新作 、No 003を入荷しました!

2007年に米バーモント州で誕生したホイッスルピッグは近年のアメリカンライウィスキー復権の立役者として米国では名を馳せています。今回入荷した No 003はファームストックNo 001、No 002に続く第3弾。ベースのバーモントライの熟成年数が3年に上がり、それに6年物、10年物をブレンド。個人的な感想ですが001、002よりは辛めで香ばしく、パンチの効いた仕上がりになっています。気になる方はぜひ試しにいらしてください!


Good news for #barmiyako rye whiskey lovers. We now have Vermont-based distiller WhistlePig’s Farmstock Rye Crop 003!

While not so well known in Japan yet, Whistle Pig is revered in the US for reviving American rye whiskey with its 100% ryes, which include the Farmstock blends. Like its predecessors, Crop 003 is a blend of young and aged ryes, with the mix this time comprising 3 year, 6 year and 10 year whiskeys. The result is powerful and spicy, so please stop by if your interest is piqued!

This week, bar miyako will close a little early at midnight on Dec 19 (Thu) due to a disturbance in the Force, and will be closed on Dec 21 (Sat). I apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you so much in advance for your understanding. We’ll be open as usual all other days this week from 7pm to 1am, so hope to see you all back again soon!