長らく休業中だった #barmiyako ですが、緊急事態宣言の解除により、6月21日から営業を再開します!久しぶりに皆さまに会えることを心待ちにしております!
Following the lifting of the state of emergency, bar miyako will reopen its doors on June 21! We are so looking forward to seeing you all again!
But given the emergency measures still in place, we will be operating only on weekdays, on shortened hours of 5:30pm to 8pm from June 21 to July 11, with alcohol served until 7pm. Please note that we’ll also be limiting entry to groups of 2 people or less, and limiting the total time spent at the bar by each group to 90 minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you so much for your understanding!