皆様の暖かいご支援のおかげで先週 bar miyako は無事5周年を迎え、6年目に突入しました!海外ドラマでいえばシーズン6が始まった感じでしょうか(笑)
今週はお盆ですが、bar miyako は休まず平日の19時〜25時、8月20日の土曜は19時〜24時まで営業しております!皆様のお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております。
Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate bar miyako’s fifth anniversary last week, and to everyone who supported us over the years.
We’ve now been renewed for a sixth season, so we hope to continue providing you with lots of gin, whisky, cocktails, love and joy. For starters, how about some Roku (which is literally the number 6 in Japanese) craft gin from Suntory?
While Japan is entering its o-bon summer holiday season, bar miyako will be open throughout the week, from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, and from 7pm to 12am on Saturday, August 20. Hope to see you all back at the bar soon!