暑い夏にはスッキリとしたタンカレーのジントニックがピッタリですよね。そこでは全10種類からなるbar miyako のタンカレーのラインナップを改めてご紹介したいと思います。
・オレンジが爽やかなFlor de Sevilla
Summer is here! Why not beat the heat with an ice-cold Tanqueray gin and tonic?
bar miyako’s 10-bottle Tanqueray collection includes the original London dry gin and No. 10 gin, plus the zesty Rangpur, the sweet and fruity Malacca, the fresh Flor de Sevilla, the flavorful Royal, the herbal Lovage, the classic Bloomsbury, the Old Tom Gin and the No. 10 Grapefruit and Rosemary gin, so why not come in and try them all?
We’re open as usual this week from 7pm to 1am on weekdays. Hope to see you all back at the bar soon!