bar miyako and cocktails

今週開催のナショナルカクテルウィーク中に #barmiyako のフェイスブックでハイライトさせていただいたカクテルをご紹介します!

Introducing the cocktails we’ve highlighted on our facebook page during national cocktail week!




How about a cool mojito to end a hot day … plus a little piece of trivia to go with it? The rum-based mojito appears on screen in the James Bond 007 series (Die Another Day, 2002) but is one of the few drinks not to have a single mention in the books. Some food (booze) for thought on a lovely Monday




—“A real gimlet is half gin and half Rose’s Lime Juice and nothing else…” (Raymond Chandler, A Long Goodbye)
Why not come in for a slightly sweet and melancholy “real” gimlet?



bar miyako からの「断れない提案」。今日はゴッドファーザー カクテルはいかがですか(笑)ご興味ある方はぜひ!

“An offer you can’t refuse” from bar miyako: Why not have a Godfather cocktail to get you over hump day? Happy Wednesday!



暑い日には、甘酸っぱい スカーレット・オハラ カクテルはいかが?

On a hot day like today, why not try a Scarlett O’Hara cocktail, made with Southern Comfort, cranberry juice and lemon? Like Scarlett herself, the drink combines beauty and sweetness with a tartness that makes it a perfect summer drink. Frankly my dears, it will make you give a damn 




Rounding up #nationalcocktailweek with a Cosmopolitan – the vodka-based cocktail that gained renewed fame thanks to Sex and the City. Love them or hate them, the 4 ladies were cultural icons of their time so why not toast Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda with a Cosmo? Happy Friday!

bar miyako and vesper


ゴールデンウィーク明けの #barmiyako ですが、通常通り月曜〜金曜の19時〜25時、土曜日の19時〜24時まで営業しております。

写真のカクテルはウェスパー。来週開催の「ナショナルカクテルウィーク」でもハイライトさせていただきますが、ウェスパーは伝説のスパイ、ジェームズ・ボンド007が命名したカクテル。レシピにはジン、ウォッカ、リレを使用していますが、bar miyako ではこれに加えて秘密の材料をもう1つ追加してますので、ご興味のある方はぜひお店で!

Alas, Golden Week is over … but bar miyako is open from 7pm to 1am on Monday to Friday, and from 7pm to 12 midnight on Saturday! Why not  stop by for a drink to help get you back into the groove?

Pictured is the Vesper, the cocktail created by fictional spy James Bond 007, which we’ll be featuring next week during National Cocktail Week.  Made with gin and vodka and Lillet, we add one more secret ingredient to the mix, so please stop by if you’d like to find out!