今週は、bar miyako のきっての甘党タクマが考案した「ミスティア・マティーニ」をご紹介します。
なお、本格的に甘いカクテルやチョコレート好きの方は、ぜひ bar miyako living のオリジナルカクテル「ベリーベリーバレンタイン」もお試しください!
This week, we’re introducing the Mistia Martini, created by bar miyako’s resident sweet tooth, Takuma!
Instead of dry vermouth, this martini features Mistia, a French muscat liqueur, giving it a refreshing, slightly sweet, and delicate flavor.
If you find classic martinis too strong, this version has a lower alcohol content and a crisp, easy-drinking taste—perfect for giving it a try!
For those who love rich, sweet cocktails or chocolate, we also recommend bar miyako living’s original cocktail, “Very Berry Valentine“.
This week, we’re open on weekdays from 7pm–1am and on Saturday from 7pm–11:30pm, but will be closed on Tuesday, February 11, for a national holiday. We hope to see you all back at the bar soon!