bar miyako and mojitos


6月後半に突入し、皆様も徐々に日常を取り戻しつつあるかと思いますが、今月の #barmiyako は引き続き平日の19時〜24時までの営業とさせていただきます。(土曜日は引き続きお休みになります)皆様のペースでのお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております!

It’s mojito season again! What better way to get rid of the rainy season blues than with a fresh minty cocktail? Please stop by if you’d like a taste.

As we all gradually adjust to the new normal, #barmiyako will be open on weeknights from 7pm to 12am during June. (We’ll remain closed on Saturdays for this month). I hope to see you all again, as your schedule allows!

bar miyako and oatrage


今週の #barmiyako は月曜〜金曜の19時〜24時まで営業しております。皆様のご来店を心よりお待ち申し上げております!

We now have Corsair’s Oatrage, an interesting American whiskey made from malted oats and coffee oats, a so-called “breakfast whiskey.” Please stop by if you’re intrigued by the ingredients, the name, or the Tarantino-esque bottle.

This week, I’m open from 7pm-12am, Monday-Friday. Hope to see you soon!