<ゴールデンウィークの営業について /
Opening hours during Golden Week>
Please see below for our operations during the Golden Week holidays.
4/24 (月) ~ 4/28(金) 通常営業 / Regular operations
4/29 (土)休業 / Closed
5/1 (月) ~ 5/2 (火) 通常営業 / Regular operations
5/3 (水) ~ 5/6 (土) 休業 / Closed
5/7 (日) 定休日 / Closed
5/8 (月) ~ 通常営業 / Regular operations
通常営業中は bar miyako は19時〜25時、bar miyako living は19時〜27時までとなります!
During regular operations, bar miyako will be open from 7pm to 1am, bar miyako living will be open from 7pm to 3am.
Pictured is the floral and fruity Gold 999.9 gin, distilled in a pure gold pot still in the Alsace region. Please stop by if your interest is piqued!