もう10月ですね!食欲の秋、#barmiyako で飲みながらちょっと小腹が空いた時は、 隣の #barmiyakoliving からホットドックやチリドック、おつまみピザなどの簡単なバーフードも注文できますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ今度お試しください!
bar miyako is stocked with gins and whiskys and liquor, but if you’re feeling a bit peckish, we can also provide you with some light bar food such as hot dogs, chili dogs and pizzas from bar miyako living next door, so please let us know!
This week, we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, so hope to see you all back at the bar soon!