bar miyako and saneha gin


タイ・プーケットに拠点を置く「Chalong Bay Rum」の創業者たちが手がけた「サネハジン」を入手しました。発酵させたサトウキビジュースをベースに、コリアンダー、ジンジャーフラワー、パイナップル、マクウェン(山椒の一種)など、タイ産の厳選された7種類のボタニカルを使用したプレミアムジンです。



Recently, as the days grow slightly shorter and the mornings and evenings start to cool, we’re beginning to feel the end of summer. However, for those who want to savor the season for a little while longer, we have the perfect gin!

We now have Saneha Gin, crafted by the founders of Chalong Bay Rum, based in Phuket, Thailand. This premium gin uses a base spirit made from fermented sugarcane juice and features seven carefully selected Thai botanicals, including coriander, ginger flower, pineapple, and makwaen (a type of peppercorn).

The name “Saneha” means “passion” in Thai, and true to its name, this gin offers a vibrant, fruity flavor that reflects a deep love and passion for Thailand’s natural beauty. Please stop by for a taste if your interest is piqued.

This week, we are open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays. Hope to see you all back at the bar soon!

bar miyako and iron balls gin

— You always have options if you have balls

タイ、バンコク生まれのアイアンボールズ ジンを入手しました。レモングラスやショウガ、オレンジピールなどが香るトロピカルでフルーティーでなんともワクワクする夏にぴったりなジン!ご興味ある方はぜひ味見をしにお店にいらしてください。

今週は平日の19時〜25時まで営業しております。なお、7月13日の土曜日は都合により臨時休業とさせていただきます。そのため、今週の土曜日は bar miyako, bar miyako living ともにお休みとなります。ご不便をおかけしますが、ご了承のほどよろしくお願いします。

We now have a bottle of Iron Balls gin from Bangkok, Thailand, a tropical and exotic spirit made with a mix of botanicals including lemongrass, kaffir lime and ginger. So why not beat the excruciating heat with an ice-cold Iron Balls cocktail?

This week, we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, so hope to see you all back at the bar soon! (Please just note that we will be closed on Saturday, July 13. Apologies for the inconvenience, but thank you so much for your understanding).