bar miyako and march

早いもので、今週から3月ですね!3月も2月と同様、#barmiyako の土曜営業が少し変則的になり、2日(土)と16日(土)を臨時休業とさせていただきます。ご不便をおかけいたしますが、どうかご了承のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。なお、平日は引き続き19時〜25時まで、残りの土曜日は19時〜24時まで営業しております。

bar miyako の山崎ラインアップに久しぶりに18年が戻って参りましたので、ご興味のある方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!みなさまのお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております。

March is almost upon us! As the days get warmer, why not come in for a drink to celebrate the coming of spring? We’re happy to say that our Suntory Yamazaki single malt line up once again includes the 18-year, so please stop by if you’d like a taste.

Please just note our Saturday operations in March will be a bit irregular, and we’ll be closed on Saturday, March 2 and 16. But we’ll be open as usual from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, and from 7pm to midnight on the remaining Saturdays, so hope to see you all back at the bar again soon.

bar miyako and japanese whisky



ジンのイメージが強い  #barmiyako ですが、実はジャパニーズウイスキーも色々あります!ビンテージものも含むサントリーの山崎、白州、響に加え、北米市場限定の季(とき)もあります。ニッカの余市、伊達、竹鶴やそのほか、イチローズ・モルトやマルスウイスキーもありますので、ご興味ある方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!


April is here! In Japan, April marks the beginning of the fiscal and school year, bringing with it a new sense of hope and excitement. What better way to enjoy the liveliness of Japanese spring than with some good Japanese whisky?

In addition to various vintages of Suntory’s Yamazaki, Hakushu and Hibiki, we also have Toki, which was created just for the North American market, as well as Nikka’s Yoichi, Taketsuri and Date and some Ichiro’s Malt and Mars whiskys, so please do stop by if you’d like a taste!

The bar is open from 7pm to 1am, Monday to Friday and from 7pm to 12 midnight on Saturdays. (Please note our new Saturday closing time, starting this month.) I hope to see you all soon!