bar miyako and le gin carmina



As the days grow cooler and the nights longer, why not celebrate the changing seasons with some gourmet gin? Le Gin from calvados maker Christian Drouin is made from over 30 varieties of cider apples, while “Carmina” also adds some raspberries and black currant for a fresh, fruity finish. Please stop by if your interest is piqued!

This week, I’m open as usual from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and 7pm to 12am on Saturdays, so I hope to see you all again soon!

bar miyako from september 23

長らく夏休みをいただいておりましたが、9月23日(水)から #barmiyako の営業を再開いたします!時短要請も解け、平日の19時〜25時まで、土曜の19時〜24時までリフレッシュした状態で皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。ジェムソンの東京限定ボトルで、東京、そして日本の皆様の頑張りに乾杯しませんか。

bar miyako is back! I’ll be open on weekdays from 7pm to 1am, Saturdays from 7pm to 12 midnight from Wednesday, September 23, refreshed and relaxed from a summer break, so hope to see you at the bar! Why not raise a toast to Tokyo, and to Japan, with Jameson’s latest Tokyo-edition bottle?