「コルセア オートレイジ」が bar miyako に帰ってきました!
中身のユニークさはもちろん、タランティーノの「レザボア・ドッグス」を彷彿とさせるラベル、そして北野武を思わせる名前に完全に心を奪われたオーナー。気になる方はぜひ、ストレートまたはカクテルでお試しください!(分かる方には分かると思いますが)飲みながらマドンナのあの名曲について議論しましょう 笑
Corsair Oatrage is back at bar miyako—and I couldn’t be more excited!
Made with malted oats, coffee malt, and barley, this whiskey boasts a creamy texture with rich notes of oatmeal, roasted coffee, and nuts. Its unique flavor profile has even earned it the nickname “Breakfast Whiskey.”
In addition to its bold taste, the Tarantino-esque label and name reminiscent of a Takeshi Kitano film completely won me over. If you’re curious, come in to try it neat or in a cocktail andーif you get the referenceーwe can all sit down to discuss Madonna’s iconic hit 80’s single.
We’re open this week from 7pm to 1am. Hope to see you all back at the bar soon!