bar miyako and hot le gin toddy


冬のbar miyakoでは、フランス産りんごのジン「ル・ジン」を使ったホット・ジン・トディが大人気です!お湯にレモン、クローブ、シナモンを加えた一杯は、冷えた身体を優しく温め、スパイスの香りが心地よく広がります。他のジンでもご用意可能ですので、ぜひお試しください!


Feeling the chill? Why not warm yourself up with a hot cocktail?

At bar miyako this winter, our Hot Gin Toddy made with “Le Gin,” a French apple-based gin, has become a customer favorite! This combination of gin, hot water, lemon, cloves, and cinnamon works to gently heat you up with soothing spice aromas. We can also prepare it with other gins, so feel free to customize it to your taste!

This week, we’re open Monday to Friday from 7pm to 1am. (Please note that we’ll be closed on Saturday, December 21.) We hope to see you all back at the bar soon!

bar miyako and rottnest island gin

もう12月ですね!今年も残り1ヶ月となりました。bar miyakoでは、皆さまに美味しいお酒を楽しんでいただけるよう、今年のラストスパートも元気に頑張ってまいります!


今週もbar miyakoは平日19時〜25時まで、姉妹店のbar miyako livingは平日19時〜23時30分(ラストオーダー23時)まで営業しております。どちらも皆さまのご来店を心よりお待ちしております!

December is upon us! We hope to continue providing you with lots of fine spirits, cocktails and company in the final stretch of the year, so please come join us!

This week, we’re introducing a gin from Rottnest Island in Australia. Located off the coast of Perth, Rottnest Island is a protected nature reserve known for its unique flora and fauna. It’s especially famous for the quokka, often called “the happiest animal in the world” because of its adorable, smiling expression. The gin, RI, is crafted using the island’s rich natural resources and features a distinctive flavor with a subtle hint of salt. If you’re curious, we’d love for you to try it at our bar!

This week, bar miyako is open Monday through Friday from 7pm to 1am. Our sister bar, bar miyako living, is also open Monday through Friday from 7pm to 11:30pm (last call at 11pm). We look forward to welcoming you at either location!