bar miyako and golden week 2024

ゴールデンウィークが始まりましたね!bar miyako はカレンダー通りの営業となりますので、今週は火、水、木の19時〜25時まで皆様のお越しをお待ちしております!


The Golden Week holiday season has arrived! bar miyako will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and closed on all other days until May 6.

It will be a short week for us, but hope you can pop in on weekdays, and in the spirit of the holidays, enjoy some tangerine-infused Gold Gin or the delightfully mellow Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve. See you all back at the bar soon!

bar miyako and saturdays


bar miyako は姉妹店のbar miyako living と交互に各週土曜日営業を行っていましたが、誠に勝手ながら当面の間、bar miyako のみ土曜日営業をお休みいたします。


なお、bar miyako living は通常通り各週土曜日の営業になりますので、3月23日は営業しております。ぜひ土曜日のbar miyako living をご利用ください。

Notice regarding Saturday operations

For the time being, bar miyako, which has been open every other Saturday (alternating with bar miyako living next door) will be closed on all Saturdays.

For this month, bar miyako will be closed on March 16 and and March 30. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you all for your understanding.

bar miyako living will continue to operate every other Saturday, so we hope to see you all there!