#barmiyako ではそんなジャッカロープがラベルに踊る(なぜかウィスキーではなく)ジン2本とウォッカ1本を揃えてます!左からガンパウダー・アイリッシュ・ジン、ノルウエーのハラホン・ジン、そしてアイダホ・ポテトを原料にしたちょっと珍しいアメリカのボーン&ブレッドウォッカ。
As I’ve restocked some bottles, please let me reintroduce some spirits featuring the mythical jackalope on their labels. The jackalope is a creature described as being a rabbit with horns – a cross between a jackrabbit and antelope – and is said to mainly inhabit North America, though it is also known in Scandinavia as the harahorn. According to legend, it can imitate the human voice, and can be caught by using whisky, its beverage of choice, to get it drunk. (My kind of creature!)
At bar miyako, we have two gins and one vodka (though surprisingly no whisky) sporting a jackalope on the label: Drumshambo Gunpowder Irish Gin, Harahorn Gin from Norway, and Born and Bred Vodka from the US, made from Idaho potatoes. (Please stop by for more details on each!)
As the year of the rabbit races toward conclusion, why not stop for a bit to revisit the rabbit’s elusive cousin? We’re open as usual this week from 7pm to 1am on Monday to Friday, and from 7pm to midnight on Saturday. I hope to see you all again soon!