bar miyako and popolato


#barmiyako では早い時間帯ならば、ビル内のイタリアンバル「ポポラート酒場」からフードのデリバリーが取れます!写真手前左がイベリコ豚のステーキ、後ろはオードブル3点盛、右がビーフシチュー!(写真には写ってませんが、自家製の生地の窯焼きピザもあります!)

Some of you may know, but Popolato, the pizzeria on the first floor of our building delivers to bar miyako if you come in on the early side! Pictured is Iberico pork steak, assortment of appetizers and beef stew. They also have various pizzas with hand-made crusts (not pictured), so please stop by if you’d like to try their menu.