bar miyako and cherry blossoms

今週から新年度!そしてようやくやってきた桜の季節🌸 待ちに待った春の到来を塩漬け桜入りジントニックやジンソーダでお祝いするのはいかがですか?


Spring is FINALLY here! Why not celebrate the new season, the new fiscal year and the blooming of cherry blossoms with some sakura-adorned cocktails?

This week, we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, so hope to see you all back at the bar soon! And just a note, we hope to be able to let you know soon on when we can resume our Saturday operations, so please stay tuned!

bar miyako and cherry blossom gin and tonic


This week may have been the last to catch the transient cherry blossoms in full glory, but for those of you who want to enjoy their fleeting beauty for just a little while longer, why not have a blossom in your gin and tonic?