11月に入り朝夕冷え込んで参りましたが、みなさまいかがお過ごしですか。今週は北欧からのキュロ ナプエ フィンランド・ジンのご紹介です!
As the days grow steadily colder, why not try a cool and crisp Finnish gin?
Kyro Napue gin is distilled from rye and infused with fresh local botanicals such as cranberries and birch leaves, making it a smooth aromatic gin with a touch of rye spiciness. Some Napue, cranberries, rosemary and Fever Tree tonic create a perfect Nordic style gin and tonic, so please stop by if your interest is piqued!
This week bar miyako is open as usual from 7pm to 1am on Monday to Friday and from 7pm to midnight on Saturday. Hope to see you all back at the bar again soon!