今週も珍しいジンのご紹介です。「ルバーブ」という野菜(和名は食用大黄)を使用したイギリスの ワーナーズ ルバーブ ジンを入手しました!
また、引き続きNOTO GINを通して能登半島応援キャンペーンも行っておりますので、合わせてよろしくお願いします。
We now have a bottle of fresh, tangy and sweet Warner’s Rhubarb Gin from the UK! For those of you who love the vegetable (not often seen in Japan), this gin just explodes with tangy rhubarb-ness, so please stop by if your interest is piqued!
We’re also continuing our efforts to support the earthquake-stricken Noto Peninsula through our sales of NOTO GIN, so please come in and have a taste if you haven’t already.
This week we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, and from 7pm to 12am on Saturday, January 27, so we hope to see you back at the bar soon!