legent bourbon returns to bar miyako

サントリーの日米共同開発ウィスキー、LEGENT (リージェント)が bar miyakoに帰って来ました!4年前にご紹介した時からボトルが刷新されましたが、中身は同じくフルーティーでスパイシーな芳醇なあのLEGENTです!

サントリー傘下のジム・ビーム7代目マスターブレンダーの Fred Noe氏とサントリー5代目チーフブレンダーの福與伸二氏が手を組んで作り上げたリージェントですが、詳細はぜひこちらを

そして今回新たに発見したのが(前回は完全に見落としていました…すみません!) なんと、ラベルにはこの2大巨匠の横顔がデザインされています!まさに East meets West を象徴する粋な計らいですね。ご興味ある方はぜひお店に確かめにいらしてください。


Legent, a unique blended bourbon created in collaboration with Japan’s Suntory and US’ Beam Suntory, maker of Jim Beam, has made its way back to bar miyako! The design has changed a bit since we first obtained a bottle four years ago, but it’s still the same lovingly complex and well-balanced spirit layered with flavors of fruit, spice and oak.

Fred Noe, the seventh-generation Master Distiller of Jim Beam and Shinji Fukuyo, the fifth Chief Blender for Suntory, worked together in creating this lovely whiskey. (For details, please see our previous post.)

But one thing I missed the first time around (many apologies!), is that the label design features the profiles of these two master blenders. What a stylish way to represent the East meets West philosophy behind this amazing spirit! Please stop by for a closer look if you’re interested.

This week we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, and from 7pm to 12am on Saturday, February 10, so we hope to see you all back at the bar soon!Cheers!

bar miyako and suntory yamazaki whisky


今週は平日の19時〜25時まで営業しておりますが、30日の土曜日は誠に勝手ながら臨時休業とさせていただきます。(30日は姉妹店の bar miyako living もお休みになります)ご不便をおかけしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

Those of you who have seen John Wick 4 in theaters this weekend may have noticed a bottle of Yamazaki whisky in one of the scenes. And just because I love John Wick so much, for this week only, if you are a fan of the series and can tell me where the bottle appears, I will make my Yamazaki 12 available for you at a special price!

This week, we’re open on weekdays from 7pm to 1am, but will be closed on Saturday, September 30. We apologize for the inconvenience, but hope to see you all at the bar soon!