bar miyako and bastide de margui

普段ワインはほとんど置いていない #barmiyako ですが、今ならフランス、プロヴァンスの「バスティード・ドゥ・マルギ 1784 ホワイト」があります。その理由は…C3PO(やその仲間)が鍵ですね(笑)。ご興味のある方はお店で!

今週の #barmiyako ですが、平日の19時〜25時、土曜の19時〜23時まで元気に営業します!皆様のお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております。フォースが共にあらんことを!

We don’t usually serve a lot of wine, but we do have white Bastide de Margui 1784 in stock at the moment. Why? Well, it has to do with C3PO (and his friends) but more on that at the bar!

This week, we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to 11pm on Saturday. May the Force be with you and hope to see you all back the bar soon!

bar miyako and baby yoda




My version of the Baby Yoda cocktail! Made with vodka, muddled kiwi fruit and syrup, shaken over ice and served with a splash of tonic.

I’m still on shortened operating hours this week (closing at 10pm), but hope to see you if I can!