bar miyako and the olympic cocktail


#barmiyako は残念ながら8月22日まで休業中ですが、ひたすら頑張っている参加者と東京都民、日本国民全員を応援したいという気持ちでオリンピックのカクテルの写真をアップします。


While #barmiyako will remain closed until August 22, we’d like to honor the start of the Tokyo Olympics with a photo of an Olympic cocktail.

A lot has happened and we know there are many views out there regarding the event, but we still wish all the participants plus everyone in the host city of Tokyo and the host country of Japan the best.

Gambare! Everyone!

bar miyako and skydiving

今週も #barmiyako はまん延防止等重点措置のため、17時〜20時(お酒の提供は19時まで)の時短営業となりますが、だんだん天気もよくなってきたこの季節、爽やかな青空をイメージしたスカイダイビングのカクテルなどはいかがですか。


We’re still on shortened opening hours of 5pm to 8pm this week, but as the days get warmer and sunnier, why not try a crystal blue skydiving cocktail to lift your mood?

On a personal note, I wanted to let you know that I went skydiving for the first time in my life this weekend! … but alas, I can’t because we had to cancel at the very last minute due to strong winds. But that makes me even more determined to make a wicked skydiving cocktail, so please stop by if you’d like to see me shake with a vengeance (lol).