bar miyako “okome & dj night”

朗報です!コロナ前に bar miyako の人気特別企画として2回開催された「おこめナイト」が、パワーアップして7月30日(土)の19時〜24時に「おこめ&DJナイト」として復活します!

オープン当初から bar miyako を盛り上げてくれているアルバイトのおこめちゃんが、今年チームmiyako に加わり、早くもコアメンバーとなった DJ と一緒に一日店長としてお店に立ちます。いつもとちょっと違った雰囲気の bar miyako を体験されたい方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!(miyakoはカウンターの反対側にいる予定にしてます)


News flash! We’re bringing back the “okome night” event that had been an essential part of bar miyako during the pre-coronavirus years as the “okome and DJ night” on Saturday, July 30, from 7pm to 12am!

The night will be hosted by okome-chan, our super lovely staff member who has been with us from the very beginning, together with DJ, who joined the bar this year and who has fast become a core part of team miyako. The two of them will be in charge of all operations on Saturday, so please stop by if you’d like to experience bar miyako with a slightly different atmosphere! (I will be there too, but just sitting on other side of the counter.)

For the rest of the week, we’ll be on regular operations from 7pm to 1am, so hope to see you all back at the bar soon!

bar miyako and skydiving




It’s been so hot these past few days, all one can think about is how to stay cool … Going skydiving could be the perfect way to do that, either literally, or with an ice cold skydiving cocktail, maybe? (On a personal note, this month marks the one-year anniversary of my very first skydiving experience, so I thought it would be an apt cocktail to introduce this week.)

This week, we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to 12am on Saturday, so we hope to see you all back the bar soon!