bar miyako and christmas spirits

先週のクリスマス・ジン に引き継いて、今週は季節限定のクリスマス・ウィスキーのご紹介です!

#barmiyako では、フルーティで甘いバランタインのクリスマス・リザーブと、ピーティで強烈なダグラス・ラングのビッグ・ピート・アイラ・ブレンドのクリスマス・エディションをご用意してますので、お好みに合わせてクリスマス気分を味わうのはいかがですか。


In addition to our Australian Christmas gin, we have some seasonal whiskys that can help get you into the holiday spirit!

The Ballantine’s Christmas Reserve is a deliciously sweet and fruity blended scotch while Douglas Laing’s Big Peat Islay blended malt packs a powerfully peaty punch. Whatever your preference, why not come in for a drink and be merry?

#barmiyako is open as usual this week from 7pm to 1am on Mondays through Friday and from 7pm to midnight on Saturdays. Hope to see you soon!

bar miyako and four pillars gin






今週の #barmiyako は通常通り平日の19時〜25時、土曜の19時〜24時まで営業しております。

We have some new gin from the lovely Four Pillars distillery in Australia. In addition to restocking the popular Bloody Shiraz gin, we’ve gotten our hands on the Chardonnay Barrel Gin and the delectable Christmas Gin (2017 label)!

The Chardonnay gin, aged in French oak barrels that previously held Chardonnay wine, is a spicy gin with notes of coriander, ginger and citrus. It’s wonderful neat, but for some added twist and holiday cheer, it also goes well with some ice, a drop of honey and some rosemary.

And the Australian Christmas gin! According to Four Pillars the distiller “first distills some Christmas puddings (made to his mother Wilma’s 1968 recipe) with juniper, cinnamon, star anise, coriander and angelica over the top. (He) also ages gin in a couple of 125-year-old ex-William Grant scotch whisky barrels that had previously stored Rutherglen Muscat for 80 years. He then blends this with the Christmas Pudding gin, and to finish he adds a slight tweak of Rutherglen Classic Muscat to round out the palate… (and) a touch of our own muscat that has been sitting in barrels which previously aged Pedro Ximenez. So we get even more depth, richness and complexity.”


… and it really tastes like pudding! If you’d like to try some, please stop by the bar! (Please just note, and apologies in advance, that we’re limiting the Christmas gin to one glass per person so that there’s more to go around!)

#barmiyako is open as usual this week from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to midnight on Saturday. See you soon!