bar miyako, james and jack


#barmiyako ではスタンダードのジャック・ダニエル・ブラック No. 7 に加え、ブラックを2度濾過したジェントルマン・ジャックと単一の樽のみから瓶詰めされたシングル・バレル・セレクトを揃えてますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!


While James Bond is famous for drinking martinis, from time to time, he’s known to down a glass of bourbon or Tennessee whiskey. Most iconic may be the scene in Goldeneye, when Pierce Brosnan’s new James Bond meets with Judi Dench’s new M, and he finds she has replaced her predecessor’s cognac with … Jack Daniel’s! Her choice of drink was no doubt a sign to Bond that a sharper and tougher M was in charge, and sharper and tougher she was, until the very end.

at bar miyako, we have the standard Jack Daniel’s Black No. 7, the double charcoal mellowed Gentleman Jack and the Single Barrel Select, so please stop by if you’d like a taste.

bar miyako is open as usual this week from Monday to Friday from 7pm to 1am, but please note that we’ll be closed on Saturday March 16. Thank you so much for your understanding and I hope to see you all again soon at the bar!

bar miyako and jack daniel’s

今週の #barmiyako は通常通り月曜〜土曜、19時〜25時まで営業しております!写真は、人気のテネシーウィスキー ジャックダニエルの No. 7 に加え、2倍の手間をかけて製造されたスムーズな味わいの No. 27 ゴールドとフルーティーでほのかに甘いジェントルマンジャックです。ジャックをお好きな方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!


bar miyako is open as usual this week from Monday to Saturday, 7pm to 1am, so please stop by if you’re in the neighborhood, or if you’d like to check out our three Jack Daniel’s. In addition to the well-known No. 7, we have the rich No. 27 Gold (twice-charcoal-mellowed, extra-maple-barrel matured) and the smooth Gentleman Jack (double mellowed), so please stop by for a taste!

Additionally, for movie lovers, we’ll soon have our hands on the Old Forester “Statesman” special bourbon inspired by “Kingsman: The Golden Circle,” so please stay tuned!