bar miyako and norwegian gin


ハラホンは昨年伝説の未確認動物「ジャッカロープ」をあしらったボトルシリーズのご案内でも取り上げましたが、ブルーベリーやルバーブなどを使用した華やかなジンです(詳細は是非 bar miyako and the jackalope をご参照ください!)。バレクステンはノルウェーの森に棲むと言われる精霊フルドラにインスパイアされて作られた、ブルーベリーやリンゴンベリー、オレンジ、ラベンダー、バラの根と花、クローバーやルバーブなどを含む20種類以上のボタニカルを使用したドラマティックな逸品です。どちらも一飲の価値ありです!

今週の #barmiyako ですが、平日は通常営業となりますが、5月25日(土)だけ臨時休業とさせていただきます。ご不便をおかけしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

This week, the spotlight is on Norwegian gins. In addition to the lovely Harahon, which you already know and love, #barmiyako now has Bareksten Botanical Gin. Both are delightful gins, artfully blending Nordic myth, local botanicals and craftsmanship, so please stop by if your interest is piqued!

Harahorn, which we introduced last year in our feature on spirits adorned with the mythical jackalope ( bar miyako and the jackalope ) is a fruity and slightly sweet gin infused with local Norwegian botanicals such as blueberries and rhubarb. Bareksten is slightly heavier and dramatic gin inspired by the seductive Nordic wood nymph ‘Hulder,’ and made with 20 botanicals including blueberry, lingonberry, orange, rose flowers and root and clover. Both are great on the rocks or with tonic, so please stop by for a taste!

This week, #barmiyako is open as usual on weekdays, but please just note that we will be closed on Saturday, May 25. We apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding. Hope to see you all again soon!

bar miyako and the jackalope


#barmiyako ではそんなジャッカロープがラベルに踊る(なぜかウィスキーではなく)ジン2本とウォッカ1本を揃えてます!写真左は以前にもご紹介した、茶葉の見た目が火薬のようであることからガンパウダー・ティーと呼ばれる中国の平水珠茶(へいすいすちゃ)を使用したスパイスの余韻が長いガンパウダー・アイリッシュ・ジン。写真中央はノルウエー産のブルーベリーやルバーブなどのボタニカルを使用したスッキリ、フルーティーなハラホン・ジン。写真右はアイダホ・ポテトを原料にしたアメリカのボーン&ブレッドウォッカ。(映画好きの方はご存知かもしれませんが、俳優のチャニング・テイタムが立ち上げたクラフトウォッカです)

どのお酒も日本では珍しく、ロックでもトニックと合わせても楽しめますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ一度遊びにいらしてください!bar miyako は今週も月曜〜金曜の19時〜25時、土曜日の19時〜24時まで営業しております。皆様のお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております。

Introducing some rare spirits inspired by the mythical jackalope. The jackalope is a creature described as being a rabbit with horns – a cross between a jackrabbit and antelope – and is said to mainly inhabit North America, though it is also known in Scandinavia as the harahorn. According to legend, it can imitate the human voice, and can be caught by using whisky, its beverage of choice, to get it drunk.

At bar miyako, we have two gins and one vodka (though surprisingly no whisky) sporting a jackalope on the label. Photo left is Drumshambo Gunpowder Irish Gin, infused with Gunpowder green tea from China. Photo center is Harahorn Gin from Norway, a fresh, clean and fruity gin made with Nordic juniper berries, blueberries, rhubarb and other botanicals. Photo right is Born and Bred Vodka from the US, made from Idaho potatoes. (Film buffs may recognize the brand as the one created by actor Channing Tatum. )

All three spirits are great on the rocks or with tonic, so please stop by if you’re interested in a taste! bar miyako is open as usual this week from 7pm to 1am on Monday to Friday, and from 7pm to midnight on Saturday. I hope to see you all again soon!