あっという間にもう3月ですね!3月8日は国連が制定した「国際女性デー (International Women’s Day)」ですが、その日を起点に3月を「女性史月刊 (Women’s History Month) 」としている国も多くあります。そこで今月は女性が関わるお酒をご紹介していければと思います。
It’s March! As many of you know, March 8 is International Women’s Day, and many countries have since come to celebrate March as Women’s History Month. As such, we’d like to feature spirits which involve women in their creation this month.
The first one up is Jane Walker (photo right). While we’ve introduced this before, this 10-year blend was created by Emma Walker, the 7th master blender for Johnnie Walker and the first female master blender in the brand’s 200 year history. Wow!
Photo left is the Johnnie Walker 12 Year Jane Walker Edition, which was released in the US to coincide with International Women’s Day in 2018. At this point, this was essentially the Johnnie Walker Black Label with limited-edition packaging, but two years later, Jane Walker was released as brand new original limited-edition blend, proving that women just keep on walking!
This week, the bar is open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays, so we hope to see you all back at the bar soon!