新年最初の営業日は1月5日(火)になりますが、昨年まで同じメトロビルのBar LDKの店長を勤めていた野澤勇気が新しくbar miyako のメンバーとして加わりました!そして、昨年末に閉店したBar LDKが、 bar miyako living として新しくオープンする予定となっておりますので、ぜひよろしくお願いいたします。
Happy New Year!
First, a huge thank you to everyone who supported bar miyako during the turmoil of 2020. I really couldn’t have made it without your support.
Given the continued uncertainty amid the coronavirus, the bar may be required to close even earlier, or to shut down entirely for a while, but regardless, some exciting news!
The bar will reopen on Tuesday, January 5, with a new staff member, Yuki Nozawa, who ran Bar LDK (located next to bar miyako). And while Bar LDK unfortunately closed its doors last year, the space is set to reopen as … bar miyako living!
We know that we’re still navigating uncertain times, but we plan to do our best to provide a safe but fun, cozy and exciting environment for all of you, so we hope to see you all at the bar(s) if we can!
bar miyako
武部宮子 野澤勇気
Miyako Takebe, Yuki Nozawa