緊急事態宣言を受けて2月7日まで休業中の #barmiyako ですが、宣言が延長されたことを受け、2月8日から宣言解除までは平日の17:00~20:00(お酒の提供は19時まで)の時短で営業を再開したいと思います。(土曜、日曜、祝日は休業となります)
bar miyako will reopen on weekdays from Monday, February 8, but on shortened operating hours of 5pm to 8pm (alcohol served only until 7pm), to comply with the extension of the state of emergency. (We’ll be closed on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays).
While we’re aware that we’re still in a difficult situation, we’ve missed you all immensely and we’ve decided to be here for you if you need to unwind, even if just for a bit, during these trying times.