今週の #barmiyako は引き続き平日の18時〜21時(お酒の提供は20時まで)の時短営業となりますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。5日の土曜日は定休日となりますが、姉妹店の bar miyako living は営業してます!
This week marks the start of March, and March will bring us John Wick 4, albeit, March 2023… It is indeed a long time to wait, but why not kill some time (and numb some pain) with some Blanton’s bourbon?
This week, we’re still on shortened hours of 6pm to 9pm (alcohol served until 8pm), but hope to see you all back at the bar if we can! Just a note, we’re closed on Saturday, March 5, but bar miyako living next door will be open.