今週も #barmiyako は元気に19時から25時まで営業しております!また、まん延防止の解除や新しい仲間が増えたことへの喜びを表現するために TikTokも始めました!サイトのサイドバーに動画をアップしましたのでぜひ一度ご覧になってみてください。
Sipsmith gin is a lovely, crisp gin made in small batches using three different stills, charmingly named Constance, Prudence and Patience. The swan necks on these lady stills are said to be the inspiration behind the firm’s iconic label design. For more on these lovely spirits, please stop by for a visit!
This week, #barmiyako is open from 7pm to 1 am, so hope to see you all back at the bar! We’ve also opened a TikTok account to celebrate the joy of being free of the so-called “mambo” anti-coronavirus measures and of being able to welcome a new staff member, so please check out the video (uploaded onto the sidebar), if your interest is piqued!