bar miyako and hiroshima sakurao gin

皆さま、ゴールデンウィークはいかがお過ごしでしたか?楽しい連休は終わってしまいましたが、明日から #barmiyako の営業を再開します!今週は平日の19時〜25時、土曜日の19時〜24時までとなります。皆さまのお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております!

写真は今月G7サミットで盛り上がっている広島の桜尾ジン!広島産のフレッシュな柑橘類が香るOriginal と、それにホワイトローズやレモンリーフ、バニラビーンズ、エルダーフラワーなどを加えた甘くて華やかなWhite Herbs(蒸留所設立5周年を記念した限定リリース)をご用意してますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ試しにいらしてください!

The Golden Week holidays are over, but no fear! bar miyako will be open this week as usual from 7pm to 1am weekdays, and from 7pm to 12am on Saturday, so hope to see you all back at the bar soon!

Pictured is gin from the Sakurao Distillery in Hiroshima, host city for this month’s G7 Summit. Sakurao Original is made with fresh Hiroshima citrus and other local botanicals, while White Herbs (a limited release created to commemorate the distillery’s fifth anniversary this year) adds some fragrant ingredients such as white rose, lemon leaf, vanilla beans and elderflower to create a lovely sweet and floral gin. Please stop by if your interest is piqued!

bar miyako and GW/jackalopes

今年もゴールデンウィークが始まりましたが、皆様いかがお過ごしですか。期間中の #barmiyako ですが、5月1日、2日は通常営業、5月3日〜7日までお休みとなります。今週は短い営業になりますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。



Golden Week is here! This week, bar miyako will be open as usual on Monday, May 1 and Tuesday, May 2, but closed from May 3-7, reopening on Monday, May 8. It’s going to be a very short week, but we hope to see you all back at the bar!

Pictured are two gins (Gunpowder and Harahorn) featuring the mythical jackalope on their label. The jackalope is a creature described as being a rabbit with horns – a cross between a jackrabbit and antelope – and is said to mainly inhabit North America, though it is also known in Scandinavia as the harahorn. According to legend, it can imitate the human voice, and can be caught by getting it drunk using whisky, its beverage of choice.

Drumshambo Gunpowder Irish Gin is infused with Gunpowder green tea from China, while Harahorn Gin from Norway, is a fresh, clean and fruity gin made with Nordic juniper berries, blueberries, rhubarb and other botanicals. Please stop by if your interest is piqued!