6月に入りそろそろ梅雨入りが気になる頃ですが、ジメジメした季節は美味しいお酒を楽しく飲むのが一番! #barmiyako では世界中で愛されているジョニー・ウォーカーの定番ボトル(黒、緑、ゴールド、ブルー)に加え、限定エディションもいくつかございますので、ジョニー好きの方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!
Rainy June is upon us … But have no fear, #barmiyako has a variety of limited edition Johnnie Walker bottles to cheer you up as the weather crumbles.
The Black Label New York Yankees edition has the striding man ditching his customary walking stick for a baseball bat and ball, while a striding woman adorns the bottle of the Jane Walker edition. We also have the White Walker, which was made in collaboration with (of course) the Game of Thrones, so please come in if your interest is piqued.
We’re open as usual this week from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to 12 midnight on Saturdays, so hope to see you again at the bar!