キニーネとは解熱などに効果的なキナの樹皮から抽出した薬効成分で、#barmiyako で提供するジントニックで使用しているフィーバーツリーのトニックウォーターにも含まれています。その独特な苦味がジンとの相性抜群なのですが、キニーネをトニックではなく、なんと(!)直接ジンに入れてしまったのがこのOrbiumです。そのため、ジンそのものが既にジントニックのような香を放つ大変斬新なスピリッツです。
#barmiyako has a new gin – Hendrick’s Orbium! Many of us already know and love the cucumber and rose-infused Hendrick’s gin, but Orbium, additionally infused with quinine, wormwood and Blue Lotus, is — according to Hendrick’s website — “what Hendrick’s might taste like in a parallel universe.”
Included in Orbium is essentially everything that goes well with gin (the quinine from tonic water and wormwood from vermouth) and the floral notes of Blue Lotus. The result is an extremely complex, unique and looooong gin. Hendrick’s own caveat is that “it is almost certainly not for everyone,” but if you think this is for you, please stop by for a taste!
We’re open as usual this week from 7pm-1am on weekdays and 7pm to midnight on Saturdays, so please do stop by!
#hendricks #orbium