“People keep asking if I’m back and I haven’t really had an answer,
but yeah, I’m thinking I’m back!” —John Wick
4月からの臨時休業を経て、6月から試験的に制限付きの時短営業を行なって参りましたが、東京都ロードマップ 「ステップ3」への移行に伴い、6月12日から bar miyako の営業を平日の19時から24時まで再開いたします!(土曜日は当面の間休業とさせていただきます)
bar miyako is back! As we’ve now moved to Step 3 of the Tokyo roadmap, the bar will be open from 7pm to 12 midnight on weekdays starting Friday, June 12!
Please just note that for the time being, I’ll still be closed on Saturdays, and will be limiting seating as an anti-infection measure. I may also ask for your contact information if you’re visiting for the first time.
But I’ll have sanitizing hand gel for everyone to use when they come in, and 7 air purifiers/humidifiers going full steam. Plus I’ll be wearing a mask for most of the time.
I’m hoping we can all raise a toast together to a safe, but also fun, “new normal” bar scene soon!