日に日に暖かくなってまいりましたね!今週の #barmiyako は引き続き平日の17時〜20時(お酒の提供は19時まで)の時短営業となりますが、ちょっとの間でも皆さんと春の訪れを感じながら楽しい時間を過ごせたらいいですね!
Spring is just around the corner! While bar miyako will continue to be on shortened hours of 5pm to 8pm (alcohol served only until 7pm), we hope we can celebrate the changing of the seasons together, if only for a short while.
And for those of you who can’t make it by 7, or for those who just aren’t in the mood for alcohol, we have a selection of Seedlip’s amazing non-alcoholic gins, so your bases are covered! Hope to see you soon.