今年最初の営業日は1月5日(水)となりますので、ご興味のある方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください!なお、土曜日に関しては bar miyako, bar miyako living が交互に営業する隔週営業となりますが、8日はmiyakoの営業日となります!
Happy New Year!!
Hoping that 2022 will be full of laughter and cheer. To celebrate the start of the new year and to blow away any negative thoughts and fears, we’ve decided to open one of our Golgo 13 bottles of scotch, so please stop by if your interest is piqued!
We reopen on Wednesday, January 5 from 7pm. We’ll also continue to alternate Saturdays between the two bars this year, with Saturday, January 8 being bar miyako’s day to open.
Looking forward to seeing you all back at the bar soon!