ウォッカとアマレットで作るカクテルといえばゴッドマザーですが、bar miyako ではウォッカの代わりにバニラウォッカを使用したゴッドガールフレンドもご提供できます。こちらはバニラの甘い香が「母」よりも「彼女」を彷彿とさせる、ということで勝手に命名してますが(笑)甘さの裏には母に負けない強さも秘めていますので、ご興味のある方はぜひお試しください!
It’s Valentine’s Day this week! To celebrate, we would like to introduce our riff on the godmother cocktail – the god-girlfriend.
As many of you may know, the godmother is a cocktail made with vodka and amaretto liqueur. But by using vanilla flavored vodka, we made the cocktail a bit sweeter and more reminiscent of a girlfriend than a mother. Hence, we call it the god-girlfriend. If you think this is for you, please stop by for a taste!
This week, we’re closed on Monday for a national holiday, but open all other weekdays from 7pm to 1am. Hope to see you all back at the bar soon!