bar miyako, yamazaki & yokan



This may not come as a surprise for some whisky lovers who are already in on the secret, but “yokan,” a sweet Japanese dessert made from red-bean paste, is quite lovely when paired with whisky. This week, I have some Omokage yokan from Toraya, so why not try some with some Japanese whisky, like Yamazaki, if you think this might be your thing?

This week, I’m open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to 12 midnight on Saturdays. I know we’re all dealing with daily ups and downs as we do our best to adapt to a new normal, but if you ever need a drink or someone to talk to, you know where to find me!

bar miyako and changing seasons gin

久しぶりに新しいジンのご紹介です!#barmiyako で既に愛されているブラッディシラーズなどを手掛けるオーストラリアのフォーピラーズ蒸留所と日本が誇るクラフトジン、季の美を世に出した京都蒸留所との夢のコラボ「チェンジングシーズンズジン」。


今週の bar miyako は月曜〜金曜の19時〜25時まで営業してます。引き続き、可能な限りの感染防止対策をとった上で皆様のお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております!なお、11日はお休みになりますが、ご了承ください。

bar miyako has a new gin! Changing Seasons Gin, a collaboration between Australia’s Four Pillars Distillery, which bar miyako patrons most likely know best for its amazing Bloody Shiraz Gin, and the Kyoto Distillery, which has graced the world with the delightful Kinobi.

The gin blends Australian botanicals such as desert lime and green yuzu and Japanese bontanicals like hinoki, kinmokusei and gyokuro green tea to create an amazing spirit bursting with zesty and fruity flavors, perfect for all seasons. Supplies are limited so please come soon if you’d like a taste!

This week the bar will be open from 7pm to 1am, Monday through Friday (but closed on Saturday, July 11). I’ve made the bar as clean and safe as possible, so hope to see you all soon!