今週はドイツの蒸留所の「ジークフリート ラインラント・ドライジン」と、驚きのノンアルコール・ジン「ジークフリート ワンダーリーフ」のご紹介です。(はい、なんと、ノンアルジンは存在するのです!)
その英雄の名を受け継いだジークフリートのラインラント・ドライジンは、その鍵となる菩提樹の花を含む18種類のボタニカルを使用。タイムやカルダモン、ラベンダー、ジンジャーなどが菩提樹と交わる複雑なハーモニーがなんとも魅力的です。既に #barmiyako ではファンが多い人気のジンです。
厳密に言えば、アルコール度数37.5%を確保してないのでジンではありませんが、通常のジンと同様のプロセスで、同じ18種のボタニカルを使用して丁寧に作られた味わい豊かなドリンクです。お酒が飲めない方でも bar miyako ではジントニックで乾杯できますよ!限定1本のみですので、ご興味のある方はお早めに。
This week’s feature is on Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin and it’s unbelievably alcohol-free sister, Siegfried Wonderleaf, from Germany. (Yes, alcohol-free gin exists!)
Those familiar with German literature may know Siegfried from the epic German Nibelung poem. After slaying a dragon, Siegfried bathes in its blood and becomes invulnerable except for a single spot on his back where a leaf from a linden tree had stuck, a spot which eventually leads to his downfall.
Like in the poem, linden also plays a significant role in Siegfried Rheinland dry gin, which uses linden blooms as one of the 18 botanicals that make it a wondrously complex and rich gin.
In addition to the Rheinland dry, which many of you already no doubt love, we have gotten our hands on Wonderleaf, the new non-alcoholic version of the gin, which has yet to make its way to Japan.
Technically, it’s not a gin given it’s lack of the required alcohol level of 37.5%, but it is carefully crafted with the same 18 botanicals and is a truly unique drink in and of itself.
Finally a gin and tonic for those of you who don’t drink! We have just this one bottle, so if this is the drink for you, please come in while supplies last!
This week, we’re open as usual except on Thursday, March 21 (a national holiday) so hope to see you all back at the bar!