さらに、#barmiyako としてのブラントンの注目ポイントはもう一つ。ご存知の方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、映画「ジョン・ウィック」シリーズで主演のキアヌ・リーブズが満身創痍状態で鎮痛剤代わりに愛飲するのが、ブラントンのバーボンなのです!
Our feature this week is on Blanton’s Bourbon, the “super premium” single barrel Kentucky bourbon.
In addition to the sweet and creamy flavor, Blanton is, as some of you may be aware, the painkiller of choice for John Wick, the eponymous antihero of the neo-noir action thriller franchise played by Keanu Reeves.
In the first film, you see John downing the standard Blanton’s (photo left) and in the second film, he has the special reserve green label edition (unavailable in the US) in Italy (photo right). The much anticipated third installment of the series opened in the US on May 17 but unfortunately, won’t arrive in Japan until October … For those of you in Japan, why not alleviate some of the pain of waiting with some premium Blanton’s?
#barmiyako is open this week as usual from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to midnight on Saturday. I hope to see you all back at the bar soon!