営業再開間近の #barmiyako からのお知らせ第2弾です。自粛中に期限付き酒販免許を取得しましたので、お酒のテイクアウトもできます!
Another notice from bar miyako while we breathlessly await the reopening… I now have a license to sell take-out liquor!
This will start after I reopen, but I’ll be selling small hip flasks which you can use to take home shots of your choice from the bar!
Maybe one thing to consider if you’re still telecommuting and want some variety in your evening tipple?
Also, I was literally in tears after seeing so much support come in through the “sakimeshi” advance ticket program. So, I have decided to give away flasks to everyone who has bought tickets as of May 29, and to everyone who buys tickets of more than 10,000 yen going forward (with no obligation of course to buy alcohol to fill it).
Thank you everyone for your support and I really hope to see you soon!