bar miyako and gin relay: opihr gin



バーKnightの石川さんから #ジンリレー のバトンをつないでいただきました。思い出のジンとエピソードを語り、2人に繋ぐという企画ですが、頑張ってチャレンジします!




荒木町の Bar一葉の山口七重さんと横浜の Bar La Pommeの佐野夏織さん、どうぞよろしくお願いします!(私たち、一部では三姉妹と呼ばれてます。笑)

A good friend and fellow bartender nominated me for the Facebook “gin relay,” where you introduce a memorable episode involving gin, and then pass the baton to two other people. I thought I’d share this here for all you gin lovers out there.

Gin Relay : OPIHR gin

Three years ago, when I was attending bar school after leaving the corporate world, I stumbled upon this gin at the local liquor store. Enchanted by the label, I took it home and found, to my utter surprise, it tasted like curry!

Floored by how gin could be so amazingly unique, I started on a quest to taste as much gin as I could, and before I knew it, my bar was lined with gin from around the world, and filled with people who love the spirit. While there are many gins that I love and believe worthy of highlighting, I am most grateful for the twist of fate which led me to this curry-flavored bottle.

And to pass the baton, I nominate two lovely ladies – my friends and fellow bar school class mates, who I spent countless hours making gin and tonics with. Nanae Yamaguchi, who runs Bar Ichiyo in Yotsuya and Kaori Sano, who runs Bar La Pomme in Yokohama – you’re up next!

