写真は #barmiyako では不動の人気を誇るミクターズ。今はケンタッキーで製造されていますが、アメリカ独立戦争時代の設立当初はペンシルバニア州に位置し、なんと、あのジョージ・ワシントンが自分の軍隊が暖をとるために購入していたという説もあります。ご興味ある方はぜひ遊びにいらしてください。
bar miyako is still on shortened operating hours of 6pm to 10pm this week, but hopefully, this won’t last much longer. In the meantime, we can still celebrate the cooler, crisper evenings with some really good bourbon and/or rye whiskey, so please stop by if you’re in the neighborhood!
Pictured is Michter’s, which many of you already know and love. While now a Kentucky bourbon, the distillery, which has been around since the days of the American Revolutionary War, was originally located in Pennsylvania, with rumors that George Washington purchased the spirit to help warm his troops at Valley Forge. A bourbon straight out of history!