12月に入り、#barmiyako にもクリスマスツリーが登場しました!まだ厳しい状況が続いていますが、少しでも楽しい気持ちになれるよう、感染防止対策を駆使しながらお待ちしております!
My Christmas trees are out! I know it’s still pretty dicey out there but if you need to unwind, if only for just a bit – I’ll be at the bar with my Johnnie Walkers. In addition to Black and Blue, I have a host of other bottles, so please stop by if you’d like a drink.
I’m still on shortened operating hours this week, closing at 10pm on weekdays as per the request from the Tokyo government, but hope to see you all again if I can! Also please note that the bar will be closed on Saturday, December 12.