bar miyako and patience

Said sugar, make it slow
And we come together fine
All we need is just a little patience

Guns N’ Roses, Patience

3月7日に解除予定だった緊急事態宣言の2週間延期の方針決定を受け、bar miyako も3月8日〜21日までは引き続き17時〜20時(お酒の提供は19時まで)の時短営業を継続します。

また、予定されていた bar miyako living のオープンも大変申し訳ないのですが、もうちょっと先になります。


Given the government’s decision to extend the state of emergency for two weeks, sadly, bar miyako will continue to be on shortened operating hours of 5pm to 8pm during that time.

And with a heavy heart, we’ll be delaying the opening of bar miyako living just a bit as well.

But channeling the the great Guns N’ Roses, all we need is just a little patience? Hope to see you soon!