12月になりましたので、#barmiyako でもクリスマスツリーを出しました!ついでにジェムソン アイリッシュ ウィスキーの #ジェムソングリーン のフォトコンテストにも応募してみました!インスタでのいいね、よろしくお願いします(笑)。
It’s December and our Christmas tree is out! While we were at it, we also took part in Jameson Japan’s green photo contest on Instagram, hence the lovely green bottles in the background.
It’s been a tough year all around, but at the very least, we hope that this December will be a happy, sparkly time for all of us, so see you all back at the bar!
This week, we’re open from 7pm to 1am on weekdays and from 7pm to 11pm on Saturday, December 11.