bar miyako anniversary week!

今週の月曜〜水曜(8月8日〜9日)はbar miyako の5周年記念感謝祭を開催します!ご来店の皆さまには、ささやかではありますが、日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めたプレゼントをご用意してますので、ぜひ遊びにいらしてください!


bar miyako is celebrating its fifth anniversary this week from Monday to Wednesday (August 8-10). As a show of thanks for your support over the years, we have a little gift for all those who can stop by during this time, so we hope to see you all at the bar soon!

Just a note, we’re closed on Thursday, August 11 for a national holiday, but open all other weekdays from 7pm to 1am.